Wednesday, May 6, 2020

slavery and sectional attitudes - 721 Words

DBQ #5: Slavery and Sectional Attitudes, 1830-1860 During the mid 1800’s many Americans began to have mix feelings over the issue of slavery. Many northern Americans believed that slavery was morally wrong and that it was an evil. Southerners on the other hand believed it was a good for the economy as well as for commerce. This great split of attitudes between the north and the south eventually led to threat of the civil war. The North saw the issue of slavery as an evil. They believed that slavery was an impurity that became accustomed to life in America, in which made other systems of commerce forgotten. In a nation where freedom and equality is given, the property owning of people is wrong. In Hinton Helper’s â€Å"The Impending†¦show more content†¦Most southerners believed that they were doing a â€Å"favor† for slaves since slaves were uneducated people. They believed that by clothing them, feeding them, and putting a roof over their head they were creating a good for these people. Pro-Slavery So uth believed if these uncivilized people went off into the world, they wouldn’t survive, so for them to beShow MoreRelatedSlavery During The 19th Century1636 Words   |  7 PagesIn the early years of the 19th century, slavery was more than ever turning into a sectional concern, such that the nation had essentially become divided along regional lines. Based on economic or moral reasoning, people of the Northern states were increasingly in support of opposition to slavery, all the while Southerners became united to defend the institution of slavery. Brought on by profound changes including regional differences in the pattern of slavery in the upper and lower South, as well asRead MoreU.s History : American Civil War1423 Words   |  6 Pagesand in much disagreement with popular belief the war was not solely fought about the existence of slavery. 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Some plantations were very labor-intensive, and so owners would have to pay very big money to workers. Slavery was the best option, which was an economic tool that made such industries as cotton and tobaccoRead MoreThe Slavery Of The North And South949 Words   |  4 Pagesas the dominate issue that produced The Civil War. The war was caused by many disputes such as sectionalism, expansion of slavery, and abolitionist. Although there were many issues some were consider to be much more influential than the others. These include sectionalism and the expansion of slavery. The North and South could not seem to stop arguing over the expansion of slavery to the west as well as their many differences in other areas. The southern economy being primarily agricultural did notRead MoreThe Issue Surrounding Slavery Is An Integrated Topic Of Interest867 Words   |  4 PagesThe issue surrounding slavery was an integrated topic of interest during the time of the Manifest Destiny. In the year 1819, the argument over slavery centered itself on the state of Missouri. Fearing that it would tip the balance between the antislavery and the proslavery States during the time, powerful Whig Henry Clay suggested the development of the â€Å"Missouri compromise†. This compromise awarded Missouri statehood under three conditions, it would become a Slave State, the addition of Maine wouldRead MoreBlack Codes, Redemption, And Jim Crow1042 Words   |  5 PagesDavid W. Blight of Yale University said, â€Å"The nation needed to heal the sectional divide in order to function as one country.† Healing to African Americans meant trying to understand their role as a citizen, reuniting family members, and est ablishing their new freedoms as citizens. Many problems interfered with this process. Black codes, Redemption, and Jim Crow are all examples of initial offering and then revoking of freedoms toward African Americans throughout Reconstruction. African AmericansRead MoreSectional Conflict Between The North And South1097 Words   |  5 Pages Sectional conflict between the North and South was the very platform of the birth of the Civil War. Slavery was a prominent dispute that played a large role in the differences throughout the U.S. at this time, but there were other causes as well including economic and social differences and the election of Abraham Lincoln. In the midst of various events in the 1850s, it was the southern secession that began the true separation of the Union and the Confederacy, which showed the reality and quicknessRead Moreslavery and its sectional issues1075 Words   |  5 PagesDBQ # 6 Slavery and Sectional Attitudes One effect on the issue was that the economy in the south was fueled by cultivation of staple crops that required slaves for labor. In the South slavery wasn’t thought as an evil as in the North because to the Southerners defense the slaves in their opinion were treaty in contrast to workers in England and peasants that were Irish, also the end of slave trade brought higher value to the slaves causing their owners to be less harsh because they were more valuable

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