Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Nonverbal Indicators of Deception Verbal and Nonverbal...

We, as humans, have the propensity to vary in how well we encode and decode messages that are both written and spoken. This is because people tend to range in a variety of highs and lows with regard to their verbal language abilities. This would a lot for differences in nonverbal communication as well. Nonverbal communication refers to the exchange of information between people and an explanation or establishment of the meaning of information by any means other than the use of spoken or written words. It includes message through a multitude of behaviors (expressive channels) such as facial expressions, bodily movements, vocal tone and pitch, and other channels that are comprised of a variety of cues related to the encoding and the†¦show more content†¦Zaidel and Mehrabian hypothesized that because men engage less in emotionally expressive behavior, they are less skilled at encoding it (Infante, Rancer, and Avtgis, 220). In an attempt to measure each sex’s nonverbal de coding ability, psychologist Robert Rosenthal and his associates developed the Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity (PONS) test in 1979. It was found that females were higher in encoding and decoding nonverbal cues. Such results further illustrated that the two abilities (to encode and to decode) are interrelated: if one is high in encoding, that person would also be high in decoding; or if one is low in decoding, then that person would be low in encoding. Deception is a special form of communication that involves much more behavioral management than other forms of communications. It is so common in today’s society that it’s believed that over a third of conversations involve deception, with the average person telling two lies per day (DePaulo, Kashy, Kirkendol, Wyer, Epstein, 1996). Although there is no foolproof way to detect deception, there are several reliable correlates of deception. These nonverbal cues are as follows: 1) more fidgeting, 2) greater pupil dilatio n, 3) a higher blink rate, 4) the pressing of one’s lips together, 5) more shrugs, 6) more adaptors, 7) short response length with fewer details, 8) a greater lack ofShow MoreRelatedThe Most Important Thing Of Communication Is Hearing What Isn?4000 Words   |  16 PagesState University Nonverbal communication is one of the most paradoxical areas of personal and organizational life. Due to that, it has a crucial role in improving organization communication between managers and coworkers. (RT Moran, 2014) state that 75% of managers? time is spent communicating either verbally or non-verbally, which indicates importance for exploration into how communication is used in the workplace. 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