Monday, December 30, 2019

Analysis of Shutter Island Essay - 844 Words

Analysis of Shutter Island Analysis of Shutter Island Kenneth E. Wiley Sr. Core Assessment Paper-Abnormal Psychology –PS 401 March 3, 2011 Abstract Shutter Island is a film depicting several of the many facets of Abnormal Psychology as defined and studied over the course of this term. Several of the concepts discussed in our lectures and demonstrated during our classroom time were evident and vividly depicted in the film including personality disorders past and present; stress and anxiety disorders; psychosis, and mood disorders. There were others subtly displayed in the film however, these listed were of primary focus and coincidence most closely with our study this term. While focusing more on the abnormal, Shutter Island†¦show more content†¦So, if parents or guardians are spending less time with children, who or what is teaching them right from wrong? Like previous generations todays youth are greatly influenced by what they see and hear. Outside of parents or legal guardians, the big screen, television, music, and peers have the greatest influence over young people today. What is being communicated to our youth falls short on doses of old-fashioned morals and values. Analysis on Family Morals in the 21st Century Now, here is where things get a little complicated. Because as free moral agents we each have a right to decide what has value or merit in our lives and our environment could very well determine how our value system is formed. Boston University professor and social scientist Glenn Loury raises some critical issues in his essay Values and Judgments: Creating Social Incentives for Good Behavior. He claims there are underlying factors that lie at the root of behavior. This is particularly true when we examine dysfunctional behavior. Dysfunctional behavior is thought to be more prevalent in impoverished communities. Some debate that a common dysfunctional correlation exists among individuals whether they live in poor, middle, or upper class communities. It appears dysfunctional behavior is not limited to one particular segment of our population. If the ground is fertileShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Shutter Island1322 Words   |  6 PagesThe film Shutter Island depicts the story of a World War 2 veteran Andrew Laeddis and his experience with mental illness, specifically portraying the memory phenomena of repressed and recovered memories also known as dissociative amnesia and dissociative fugue (Kikuchi 2010). The illness is triggered by a psychologically traumatic event, which included discovering his wife had murdered his three children, and in response, he killing his wife (Kikuchi 2010). Additionally, the portrayalRead MoreShutter Island : Film Analysis Essay1721 Words   |  7 PagesThis is a film analysis of Shutter Island. Shutter Island is a 2010 film directed by Martin Scorsese. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Ferdinand Porsche was an Amazing Automotive Engineer

Ferdinand Porsche was an auto-motive engineer, who brought many marvelous inventions and designs to this world. He was a nazi war profiteer, and a member of the SS. However, he had never any real connection to the Nazi party, being of a Serbian, austrian decent. Many of his great designs came through his days in the SS, but his inventions before he joined where also of much respect and importance. Porsche starts his life out in a company that designs motor vehicles for rich and famous people, the only people who could afford the luxury of owning a vehicle like that. Nonetheless, he had been working on many successful designs for not only gasoline- driven cars, but electric, and electric hybrid cars as well. In this age he had successfully developed the worlds first hybrid and fully electric cars. These cars still exist today, and where sold at the time to the prince of Austria. Later though, during the heated Nazi occupation of Europe, he set his sights on not being a target to the Nazis, due to his Serbian background. He moves to Germany to continue his work as an auto-manufacturer. As Hitlers rise to power commences in Germany, he is asked to change his citizenship to Germany by many high ranking officials. This was due to the fact that they wanted to keep him alive and not persecute him, for the had very valuable skills as an automotive designer. He reluctantly agrees, joining not only just the Socialist workers of Germany party, but the SS as well. He starts hisShow MoreRelatedPorsche Business Model10774 Words   |  44 PagesPorsche Porsche-Marketing The automotive market The automotive market comprehends the design, the development, the manufacturing and the distribution of the vehicles. This market includes all kind of vehicles with motor, but only the ones of combustion engines. This is one of the markets that make the world economy grow, in fact the automotive market is the world’s most important economic sector by revenue. This market as sated above does only include the four main principles of the car marketRead MorePorsche Cayenne11733 Words   |  47 PagesAVERY JEFFREY FEAR op yo Porsche: The Cayenne Launch In March 2003 the Porsche brand faced a challenge without precedent in 55 years. Since the e launch of the Porsche 356 in 1948, the brand had stood for expensive, high-performance sports cars. Its designs, varying little over the decades, formed and then came to reflect the notion of a classic n sports car. It was a connoisseur’s racing vehicle, engineered for speed and maneuverability. But it was also a rebel’s car; the car JamesRead MoreSwot Analysis of Mercedes Benz2225 Words   |  9 PagesStates helped mold the first automobiles to provide genuine transportation. Once the concept of automotive transportation had been realized, the next effort went into ways to produce those vehicles. These were the days long before standardized parts, so mass tooling was an issue. Individual parts needed to be of consistent size and material to make the production process more efficient. Skilled labor was the next biggest challenge to enabling every home the opportunity to own an automobile. Henry Fords

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Enzymes Laboratory Report Free Essays

ENZYMES LABORATORY REPORT Introduction The utilization of any complex molecule for energy by an organism is dependent on a process called hydrolysis. Hydrolysis breaks complex molecules into simpler molecules using water. Similarly, the process that is the reverse of this is called dehydration synthesis, which removes water from simpler molecules. We will write a custom essay sample on Enzymes Laboratory Report or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, because hydrolysis occurs very slowly, living organisms use biochemical’s called enzymes to speed up the reaction. In this lab exercise, we studied the nature of enzyme actions using live yeast cells as our source of sucrose. The enzyme will then break the sucrose into one molecule of glucose and fructose. Because sucrose is a large molecule that cannot enter most cells, yeast will produce sucrase and secrete it into cell membranes. The sucrose will be hydrolyzed into small six-carbon monosaccharide’s which can enter into the cell membranes. The sucrose can be obtained from a 0. 5 percent solution of â€Å"dry baker’s yeast in water†. In parts A and B, the experiment will study the optimal temperature under which the yeast cells degrade sucrose using varying pH and temperature of the environment surrounding the yeast cells. Part C will study the effects of extreme heat on enzyme activity and part D will focus on the saturation point for enzymes using varying substrate concentrations. Materials and Procedure See pg 79-82 section: Enzymes â€Å"Experiments in Biology from Chemistry to Sex† Fifth Edition By Linda R. Van Thiel Results In test A. ffect of pH, the results we obtained for tube #1 was a solution color of orange and a color activity of 3. For #2 was also orange and color activity of 3. For #3 was orange and a color activity of 3, for #4 was green and a color activity of 1, and finally for #5 was blue and a color activity of 0. From our results, it shows the optimum pH is tube # 1-3. The control in this experiment was test tube 3A, with a pH of 7, as this pH was neutral. In test B. effects of tempera ture, the optimum temperature is shown on our graph to be two different points (either 24 or 60 degrees). For our results we received a solution color of blue for tube 1, and a color activity of 0. For tube 2, we received a solution color of orange and a color activity of 3. For tube 3, we received a solution color of green and a color activity of 1, for tube 4; we received a solution color of orange and a color activity of 3. Finally, for test tube 5, we received a solution color of blue, and a color activity of 0. The highest rates of activity were found in test tubes 2 and 4. The control in this experiment was test tube number 2, which was kept in the temperature environment of 24 C [room temperature]. In test C. Effect of Denaturation, the boiled sucrose and sucrase received slightly lowered color activities than the non-boiled tube. Shown on graph 8. 3, the graph begins with no movement in rate of activity followed by a steady increase in the color activity. The results show that test tube 1, which was boiled sucrase and sucrose, had a solution color of green and a color activity of 1. Test tube 2, which contained boiled sucrase had a solution color of green and a color activity of 1, test tube 3, which contained boiled sucrose, had a solution color of orange and a color activity of 3, finally test tube 4, which was neither boiled, had a solution color of red, and a color activity of 4. From the results, the neither boiled tube had the highest color activity. The control in this experiment was test tube 4, which was completely untouched. In test D. Effect if substrate concentration, the higher concentrations of sucrose received a higher color activity. The graph is represented by a constant followed by a steady drop as the concentration of sucrose decreases. The results showed that in test tube 1, which contained 100% of sucrose, the solution color was red and the solution gained a color activity of 4. In test tube 2, the concentration of sucrose of 50%, and the solution color was also red, which a color activity of 4. In test tube 3, which contained 25% sucrose, the solution color was orange, and had a color activity of 3, in test tube 4, which contained 10% concentration; the solution color was green and had a color activity of 1. In the last test tube, which had no concentration of sucrose, the solution color was blue, and had no color activity. The control in this experiment was test tube 5 which contained no sucrose at all. Discussion In the first test, the test of the effect of pH, the results show the effect of pH increases the rate of reaction as having a slightly acidic pH will increase the actual reaction while supporting a more basic pH will decrease the reaction. In our results, it shows that the pH reaches an optimum pH of 7 before decreasing. The results are not completely accurate, as the first three tubes all had a color activity of 3. The actual results should have had a slightly higher color activity for the optimum pH (which would have been from a pH of 5-6) and a lower color activity for the starting and ending pH. Experimental error may be caused by unwashed test tubes and slightly inaccurate amounts of solution being placed into test tubes. The second test consisted of the effects of Temperature. Temperature (as represented in graph 8. 2) increases rate of reaction in the enzyme until reaching an optimum point, and then decreasing rapidly. However, in our results, we were accurate until we reached the optimum point, (37 degrees). Instead of this being the highest point for rate of reaction, we obtained a color activity of 1. Because 37 degrees was the optimum temperature, this should have been the highest point and the highest rate of activity. However, we had an experimental error in the form of accidently placing the 3rd tube in the wrong temperature environment. The third test consisted of the effects of Denaturation. In this test, the tube that showed the highest color activity was tube four because it was not exposed to the higher temperatures. Enzymes that are boiled, or exposed to extreme temperatures could denature the protein component thus destroying the enzyme. However, by boiling the substrate, the enzyme’s rate of reaction increases. However in our data, the first and second test tube should have contained no color activity as such extreme temperature would have already destroyed the enzyme. There could have been experimental error in the length it took to boil the test tube as it may not have reached its required amount. The last test consisted of the Effects of Sucrose Concentration. By increasing the amount of substrate, the rate of reaction will also increase as it is more likely that substrate molecules are closer to an enzyme molecule. However, this is only true to a certain limit as demonstrated in the chart. Both test tube 1 (which contains 100% of sucrose) and test tube 2 (which contains 50% of sucrose) have the same color activity despite the significant difference in concentration. This is because the concentration of substrates has reached an approximate saturation point, which is seen in this enzymatic reaction to be 50%. How to cite Enzymes Laboratory Report, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

LM In LM7805 Linear Monolithic- Free Sample

Question: Describe about the LM in LM7805 for Linear Monolithic. Answer: LM in LM7805 stands for Linear Monolithic. It depicts manufacturer's code. LM7805 is a integrated circuit which performs the function of voltage regulation. When the voltage source fluctuates in a circuit the output voltage also varies. Output voltage is maintained at a constant value by the voltage regulator Integrated Circuit LM7805. It provides a positive five volts regulation. (Kushagra,2012). The diagram illustrates the internal blocks present in the LM7805 IC The LM7805 is a three-pin Integrated Circuit. Pin 1 is accepts the input DC voltage.This voltage is regulated to 5 volts. Pin 2 establishes the ground for the regulator. Pin 3 provides output of 5 volts DC(LearningaboutElectronics,2012). Reference voltage is the voltage needed for purpose of reference in LM7805. An electronic circuit produces the reference voltage without being affected by changes in temperature or variations in supply voltage. Over passage of time,the same reference voltage is produced by the circuit and hence the voltage is stable in nature. The voltage reference circuit used commonly is the bandgap voltage reference(Future Electronics,nd). A voltage reference is a electronic system that produces a fixed (constant) voltage irrespective of the loading on the device,sudden or gradual change in temperature, power supply changes, temperature changes, and the passage of time. Reference voltages find application in measurement systems,power supplies, analog-to-digital converters, digital-to-analog converters, control systems. Voltage references exhibit wide variation in performance. For instance a power supply regulator in a computer may retain its value, within a few percentage of the nominal value. Parts per million or ppm is the measurement standard for laboratory voltage standards which have high degree of precisions and stability. A starting circuit for a voltage regulator consists of a suitable means for providing an input current. It has mechanism for receiving voltage from the regulator(Gontowski,1987) The series pass element or the series pass regulator provides final voltage regulation in the LM7805 IC. A variable element is used in series with the load in the circuit for the purpose.(Poole,nd). The safe operating area related to a transistor consists of description of all maximum values of collector current or drain current and collector to emitter voltage or drain to source voltage combinations which does not result in destruction of Bipolar junction transistor or Field Effect Transistor. The regulator IC is protected by the SOA protection circuit against excessive or dangerous values of voltages and currents which may accidentally flow in the circuit due to uncontrolled factors. The circuit limits the output load current when the device is operated in the danger zone(Didden,2008). The Thermal protection circuit detects overheating of the voltage regulator when the output pin is shorted to ground pin. The operation of voltage regulator is stopped and is protected from damage(Ricoh,nd). The error amplifier is a building block of linear or switching regulated power supply. An error amplifier acts as a comparator. A sample of the output voltage is fed back and compared to the reference voltage. The difference between the two voltages produces a compensating error voltage. Error amplifier compares the difference between the two signals. Its main characteristic is gain since larger the gain, smaller the error that can be compared(Edaboard,2005). A current generator in the regulator IC is an electronic circuit which delivers an electric current independent of the voltage across it. References: Kushagra.(2012). In IC 7805 (Voltage Regulator IC). Retrieved from LearningaboutElectronics(2012). In What is a LM7805 Voltage Regulator? Retrieved from https: //www. Future Electronics(nd). In What is a Voltage Reference?. Retrieved from Gontowski, W. S., Jr. (1987). Voltage regulator start-up circuit. Retrieved from Poole,Ian (nd).In Series Voltage Regulator (Series Pass Regulator). Retrieved from psu/series-voltage-regulator-theory-circuit.php Didden,Jan(2008). In Safe Operating Area calculations. Retrieved from Ricoh(nd) In Voltage Regulator Application Note. Retrieved from Edaboard (2005). In what is error amplifier and how to design it?. Retrieved from